Follow the link here to reach the store: PERTH REMEMBERED STORE

ShirtSamplePerth-200-Zazzle-Store-itemsPerth Remembered Store has a wide variety of items for sale to celebrate Perth’s History. Perth Remembered is pleased to help in the celebration of  Perth’s 200th Anniversary and a percentage of sales from the store will be donated to the Perth 200 Organizing Committee, and after 2016 a percentage of sales will be donated to the Perth Museum Fund. All attempts have been made to use original artwork or copyright free images. If any image has been used in error or infringes on any copyright, the merchandise with that image will be removed.

Some images work better on white fabric than coloured, so you should make sure you pick a coloured clothing item that the image reproduces well on that coloured fabric. There are hundreds of option for clothing so please select wisely.

If there is a specific item that you have seen on the website or on Perth Remembered Facebook page send a message to Perth Remembered Facebook and the item will be created for the store.